
Busted, Plausible, or Confirmed?  Thats all we do.  We look at the insane, the wacky, and the wierd myths of Club Penguin and tell you if there true or not and how we tested tehm.


  1. Cool! Nice blog! Keep up the good work! Visit mien anytime! 😉

  2. Remember me ktman2?I hadnt been on ur website in so long!
    maybe we can meet on CP again.See ya later!Bye.


  3. 🙂

  4. Hi Ktman2!When is my first myth??

  5. Ktman2 I love your site!Visit me any time on Mammoth server at RF Rf’s on the map.We can think of myths.

    Ktman: Hello Rf Rf! I hope to see you on Mammoth some time! the only assignment I can give you right now is to find myths that we can bust.

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