Posted by: Ktman | April 13, 2008

Myth No. 49: Club Penguin In The Dark

A common suggestion to moderators and other workers for Club Penguin is to make it night when it turns dark in there local time zone.  For some reason though, moderators just dont seem to like this idea.  Why?  Will it ever be dark besides on Halloween?  Has it ever been dark in the past?  Today we will find the awnser to all these burning questions!

1.  Has it ever been dark in Club Penguin?

Jaydude actually has some proof on that.

I forgot to say!

There could be a night in Club Penguin were its dark

I got proof!

Look at this?

I bet thats a picture of the beta-party!

You can tell because the names and lower case

Right now I don’t have a lot of info about this

But I’ll send an e-mail to support!

What do you think?

The only problem with his proof is that the picture he shows was recently deleted.  I saw it when it wasn’t deleted though, so I know it is real evidence.  If you did see the picture, you would see that it is not really dark dark.  There is just a not as high brightness level at Club Penguin and its surroundings. Though it isn’t nothing, it is not awesome proof that at some point in the history of Club Penguin it was dark.  And sadly, there is no other proof to even call this myth Plausible on the entire internet.  Now we have to call this myth,


Sadly, it was never dark in the history of Club Penguin becides on Halloween.

2.  Why do the moderators and Club Penguin workers hate the idea of making Club Penguin dark?

They hate the idea because it would be alot of work.  Uploloading the night sky, how the buildings would look, how the items would look, how your penguin would look, how the inside of the buildings would look, and ALOT MORE.  As you can see that is alot to download.  The moderators relized Halloween is the only reletively small part of the year that they could give us darkness.

3.  Will It Ever Be Dark In Club Penguin?

I’m sad to say it but I just don’t think so.  As mentioned in the last mini myth it takes alot of work to make everything dark.  But, who knows?  There is a possibility that is could happen someday.  Mabye it is feature on the Club Penguin Improvment Project?  Mabye it will come unexpectidly in the next few years.  The best thing we can do right now is hope.

And now for the second best myth of all time as decided by hists.  This myth is

Myth No. 20: The Rainbow Puffle!

This myth gave our website a whopping 1,032 hits!  It only slipped the number 1 spot by around 20.

Here is a link to this myth.

Congratulations to this myth!


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